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Healing from the ground up
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Sand Dunes

There is a place inside yourself where 

nothing is impossible.

Seek that.



Thorough assessment using Iridology, Live & Dried Blood Microscopy, Urinalysis, Blood pressure, pulse & tongue analysis, kinesiology assessment, with a careful case history of your health is carried out. From this, an individualised personal treatment plan will be formulated & discussed, with high grade practitioner-only herbal &/or nutritional supplements prescribed along with dietary & lifestyle recommendations.

Follow up appointments monitor progress, address ongoing concerns, assess any functional lab tests, with full support to guide, empower and motivate you on your path to wellness.

My specialty areas include Gut Health, Women's Health, Hormonal Conditions, Thyroid Conditions, Autoimmune disorders, and Children's Health.

Leg Injury

Kinesiology is a non-invasive form of body therapy that merges the traditional Eastern knowledge of the Acupuncture Meridian System with modern knowledge of the biofeedback mechanisms within the body. It is grounded in the science of Anatomy & Physiology, using muscle monitoring to find & correct any imbalances or stressors within the body enhancing our innate healing ability and improving many aspects of life. 

Kinesiology can be beneficial for a wide range of health concerns, helping to guide you to the best version of yourself.

Initial (1.5hrs) - $150 / Follow up (60mins) - $120


Initial (1.5 hrs) - $250 / Follow up (60mins) - $120


Reiki is a hands-on energy healing therapy that has a profoundly calming & relaxing effect, boosting the vital energy of the body. This aids in creating a sense of wellbeing for the body, mind & soul. Reiki can be used in conjunction with all other therapies or treatments. Quantum Physicists and Neuroscientists know & study the energy that we are made of, & more & more evidence is confirming what has been traditionally  known since ancient times. 

A Reiki session involves the client laying relaxed & fully clothed, while the practitioner places their hands over the energy centres of the body to help balance & align the energy, which creates a deep sense of relaxation.

Distance healing sessions are also available.

 60 Min - $80

Zen Stones

There are 32 pressure points on the head that correlate to different aspects & areas of life. Releasing these pressure points with gentle touch is likened to "defragging your computer". A distinct sense of relaxation & clearing of mind clutter occurs which enhances a more vibrant approach to your life. A bars session involves laying relaxed, fully clothed, while the practitioner uses gentle touch over the specific sequence of pressure points. A deep sense of relaxation is achieved.

60 Min - $100

Pregnant Belly

The Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program is an amazing preparation for a positive birth experience.

Classes are conducted as group sessions, private 1-on-1, or online.

Head to: 

for more detailed information.

Marble Surface



Hi, I'm excited to help you find your way to true health and wellness.

I am a qualified Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and Kinesiologist. I also have qualifications in Reiki, and 

Access Consciousness bars, and Theta Healing. Along with my previous experience as a Midwife and Nurse, I hope you can get a feel for how I try to create a "whole"istic approach to healing.

I am passionate and dedicated to the philosophy of natural healing. We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves, through nature, and our connectedness to it, we just need to create the right environment for this to happen within us.

I have always known I was born to help people. I knew this from a very young age. So the obvious thing to me when I left school was to embark on a nursing career. That seemed the best way to fulfil my vocation and purpose. There has been a natural progression, over many decades, of unwavering and growing interest in health and wellness which has led me to my current approach within my practice. My own personal journey of a challenging health condition, and subsequent dismay with how conventional medicine was not able to help me, influenced greatly the search for my own healing path. I experienced such profound benefits from using natural medicine to restore my health and wellbeing, I was inspired to study Naturopathy and expand my knowledge and skills so that I could continue to help others in the same way.

I am in awe every single day of the wonder of nature, the human body, of the universe, of everything! And our connection to it all. this drives me on my never-ending quest for knowledge and understanding of the healing process, and applying what I learn to help you achieve true wellness. My work remains current and relevant, with my passion and dedication to the latest research and information pertaining to Natural Medicine. 

Soul Botanica

The re-branding of my business name to Soul Botanica was born from the philosophy that we are part of, yet apart of nature. The innate ability of the body to heal itself, provided there is harmony between body mind and soul, as well as harmony between man, nature and the environment, form the roots by which this philosophy is grounded. My vision is to create a space for information, knowledge, healing, inspiration and a deep spiritual understanding of wellness.


AdvDipASc (Naturopathy); GradDipHSc (Herbal Medicine); Level 4 Kinesiology Practitioner; 

Reiki Master; Access Bars Practitioner; Theta Healing Practitioner. Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner; former RN and RM.

Professional Associations

International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT)




 Goolwa, SA, 5214

Tel: 0401 882 963


Available on:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

By Appointment only

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Kathy's passion for her work and for her client's total wellbeing is her life's goal. This shows in her care and empathy.

-Kathy McKie

Kathy Christodoulous caring and whole body, soul, mind and physical approach makes her a Naturopath well worth seeing. Her knowledge and understanding on all levels of conscience helps support your body systems. Helping you create peace in body, body and soul.

You are an incredible practitioner and heavily supported me to prepare my body for pregnancy, labour and post-birth.

-Sarah Milne

-Judy Abbott

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